WordPress Plugin Repository SVN 429 -Too Many Requests


I got 86ed by the server

I am a WordPress plugin developer and have several plugins in the repository. I use Fedora Linux and just use the subversion package. It’s never been a problem before, but now, no matter what I do, when trying to do something as simple as svn co, I would get the SVN 429 error.

Looking it up, the only solutions I could find were to make changes to config files of my subversion package, which unfortunately, did not work for me. Although I fully admit that even though I’ve been using Linux exclusively for the past decade, I am far from an expert and could have added the configs to the wrong directories.

Every single article or help doc that I could find online stated that the issue must be that I am being rate limited. So what’s going on here? Why am I being rate limited by WordPress? Is it my account? My IP address?

Fix WordPress SVN 429

Well, it turns out the solution was none of that. Instead of using https, use http. For example, instead of svn co https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/PLUGIN-SLUG/ use svn co http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/PLUGIN-SLUG/ instead.

Let me know if anyone knows why this change is needed now. Is it something on WordPress’ side, or is it a change to the subversion packages?

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