Documentation: HD Quiz


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Using HD Quiz as a Customer Intake Form: A Step-by-Step Guide

HD Quiz

August 29, 2023

HD Quiz is a versatile tool that goes beyond traditional quizzes by serving as an effective customer intake form.Use this valuable data to better understand your audience, tailor your offerings, and enhance user engagement on your WordPress website.

Boost User Engagement: The Power of Adding Quizzes to Your Website

HD Quiz

August 23, 2023

Quizzes are not just fun and interactive; they also serve as a powerful tool to increase user engagement. In this article, we will explore why adding quizzes to your website can be a game-changer for boosting user engagement.

Save Results Pro Documentation


May 27, 2023

Save Results Pro is a paid addon for HD Quiz, allowing you to save the results and information of quiz takers.

Quiz Styler Documentation


May 24, 2023

The Quiz Styler is a paid addon for HD Quiz allowing you to change and customize the design of your quizzes.

HD Quiz Documentation


May 22, 2023

HD Quiz is a free quiz builder for WordPress and one of the top-rated plugins on