HD Quiz

Results need to be visible

Published: November 22, 2024
Support status: closed

So the results have pale white text on a white background. How do I get text that is visible please?
Is there a way of changing the fonts as well? It’s not really usable as it is.

thread author: Heather

HD Quiz does not modify results text colour. The colour comes from your theme.

For your use case, you can simply change your colour to black (or any other colour you want).

Open the “Kitchen sink” (Looks like WordPress calls it the toolbar now. The icon in the second row of the below screenshot) in the editor if you do not see all available options.

View post on imgur.com

If you don’t want to do this for whatever reason, I can give you some custom CSS, but would need to see a live quiz on a page first.

22 November 2024 — 19:26 support admin - Dylan

I created a staging site to play around with the colours in my theme. I tested the quiz and it worked, but the answers were still partially the wrong colour.

And then I went and adjusted the text for the outcomes. And also selected the text and made it black as per your instructions.

But now when I do the test and press Submit, nothing happens…

Happy to give you a temporary login to the staging site, but what’s the best way of sharing this with you rather than on a forum?



23 November 2024 — 17:21 thread author - Heather

Okay, I’ve made the changes to the live site rather than the staging site, and all the colours are fine except for the Title of the Outcome.
My website is a black background with white and yellow text which is where I think the issue is – the quiz has a white background with black text.
I’m not sure I’m good enough at coding to fix this!
Can you suggest what to do?
My website is www.lightninginabottle.co.uk. The post isn’t live yet but you can see the colour scheme.

23 November 2024 — 18:56 thread author - Heather


Here’s the published quiz so you can see the issues?


Thanks, Heather

24 November 2024 — 07:37 thread author - Heather

Your theme sets all fonts to white and is pretty strict about it, but it looks like you’ve done a good job so far changing the content font colours.

The only main thing to change now is the result text itself.

Adding the following CSS should make it look a lot nicer for you.

.hdq_result {color:#000000 !important; line-height: 1.2;}

On most themes you can go to Appearance -> Customize -> Additional CSS to add the CSS.

Just remember to clear your site cache after (it looks like you are using sitegrounds, so you can clear your cache by logging into your host or by using the optimizer plugin that they probably installed on your site)

24 November 2024 — 22:06 support admin - Dylan

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