HD Quiz

Problem with importing CSV file

Published: September 2, 2024
Support status: closed

Hey! Love from India. I had used your plugin 2 years before. Now when I was using the plugin, I am unable to import questions. It says that the uploaded file is not CSV. Can you please help me out?
I have attached some images for your reference.

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thread author: Madhabi

Hi Madhabi,
thanks for the screenshots and providing the message!

Please take a look at the I have a problem with the CSV importer section of the documentation. I go more in depth there about what the cause could be.

In particular, the “Uploaded file was not a CSV” message happens when one of two things occur.

These are the two things to check on first.

File extension
We check the file extension to make sure that it ends in .csv. So even if you have your file saved as a CSV format, start by ensuring that it actually ends in .csv.

Mime type
We also check the files mimetype. From your screenshot, it looks like your file has the correct mimetype of text/csv. This means that assuming the file extension is not the problem, the issue is probably a server misconfiguration where your server is missing an important PHP extension. I see that your host uses cPanel, which is great! I have instructions on what to do in the above linked documentation under “PHP Configuration”.

03 September 2024 — 10:01 support admin - Dylan

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