HD Quiz

Problem with drop down list on the Purchase screen

Published: November 25, 2024
Support status: closed

I went to pick my country when buying The Styler, United Kingdom is the normal one I pick, but eventually I found England.

However the drop down list for the county show counties in Scotland!

It’s not an issue if I can leave it blank and the field is optional, but if it isn’t optional then this could be barrier to purchase.

I’m just waiting to be paid so will buy it later this week!

thread author: Heather

Well, as a half Englishman myself (spent a lot of my youth up in the Pennines), this is super embarrassing! I have the rows lined up now so it should be working. Thanks for pointing this out! You may need to clear your browser cache to see the updated list.

25 November 2024 — 11:20 support admin - Dylan

I’m sorry but it’s not working, I’m not able to pay. I took it to a different browser to test it. I’ve agreed to the Terms and Conditions and everything with a * I’ve completed. I don’t want to put in my phone number as I don’t think you need it.

Also England is now below Gibraltar and not in alphabetical order.

26 November 2024 — 03:56 thread author - Heather

You don’t need to add phone number, it’s not mandatory.

Because of the list I’m using, England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland are considered “Great Britain” in the backend. That’s why they appear after Gibraltar.

If any field was incorrectly entered, it will highlight with a solid red border. The only field that I can think of that might give you trouble is the domain field. It’s possible you entered it without the http:// / https:// which would stop it from validating. It needs to be a full URL so that licenses can generate and connect.

26 November 2024 — 10:47 support admin - Dylan

yes, the https:// was the issue. Thanks!

27 November 2024 — 03:25 thread author - Heather

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