HD Quiz

Images for the Questions – sizing

Published: November 21, 2024
Support status: closed

I’ve added square images for each of the questions. The first 3 questions show the images correctly square. The rest have squished photos which are distorted (from 4 to 9).
The page is in draft at the moment but if you need to see it I can create a temporary login for you. I just need to rethink how I do the questions so I can work with the way your quiz works 🙂

thread author: Heather

HD Quiz does not change or modify the featured images in any way. And certainly does not change anything from question to question. So assuming that all of your images are the same size, and the first 3 are OK, but the rest aren’t, it is safe to assume that the issue is caused by something on your end.

The timing of this is also very suspicious, is that WordPress 6.7 introduced a new bug with your exact behaviour.

You can read more about it here on the official WordPress.org page:

Auto Sizes for Lazy Loaded Images in WordPress 6.7

A potential fix from one of the developer of WordPress introduced a new filter as a temporary fix (note. 6.7.1 was recently released. They say it fixes this bug, so update if you haven’t already, or try the following if you are using the latest)


As a last resort, you can try to add the following CSS to your theme.

.hdq_featured_image {width: 100% !important}.

That will force the featured image to always fill to 100% the width of the question. Since your images are square, it should still look good for you with this change, and it should hopefully override the broken sizing from WordPress.

21 November 2024 — 19:31 support admin - Dylan

All sorted, I updated WP and it’s fixed

22 November 2024 — 19:17 Heather

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You can also upload images to imgur and paste the links here. Just make sure that your images don't include any sensitive information.
