HD Quiz

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How to collect data of people who attempted the quiz?

Published: February 18, 2024
Support status: closed

Hi- Very nice plugin!

We just had one question how do we collect data(email and phone number?) of the people who attempt the quiz?

These can be our potential customers hence crucial to have their data.

thread author: Finuture Education

Hi Finuture,
What you are looking for is the Save Results Pro add-on.

Save Results Pro

With this add-on, you can save the results of each quiz (including each individual answer), email results, have a leaderboard for each quiz, and most importantly, add a custom form to the start of each quiz that needs to be filled out before the quiz becomes available.

18 February 2024 — 15:03 support admin - Dylan

how can i make this quiz as a product and sell through

06 March 2024 — 23:21 dinesh

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