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License Key not working

Published: October 31, 2023
Support status: closed

Added the license key, clicked activate but nothing happens, still showing the same screen

thread author: asif

Hi Asif,
the key will only activate on your provided domain of wisconsinmetaltech.com

Make sure you are not using a subdomain and make sure you are not copy/pasting extra blank spaced.

If you need to active on a development domain, let me know.

31 October 2023 — 11:32 support admin - Dylan

And you are sure you entered the license in correctly? Sometimes when you copy/paste text, you can end up with an extra blank space at the start or end.

If you are sure you are entering the correct license, then your next best option is to check any other plugins you have installed, as one of them might be blocking the connection. For example, I see you have a security plugin installed, so check that to make sure it is not blocking the connection.

31 October 2023 — 11:47 support admin - Dylan

Yes, copied and pasted and also typed it, still nothing.

31 October 2023 — 11:59 thread author - asif

Did you check your other plugins to see if they are interfering?

I saw your most recent try to connect to the server, and saw that the server returned the valid response. So we can at least rule out connecting and validating with the server.

Do you know how to open the browser console? I’m curious if any messages appear there as it will help point towards the issue. On most browsers, you can press F12, or CRTL + I. Then select the “console” tab. With the console open, try to activate again and let me know if any messages appear. (I can send screenshots if you need help with this)

31 October 2023 — 12:04 support admin - Dylan

Unfortunately, that video is not useful. Please do exactly what you just did, except open the browser console.

On most browsers, you can press F12, or CRTL + I. Then select the “console” tab. With the console open, try to activate again and let me know if any messages appear. (I can send screenshots if you need help with this)

31 October 2023 — 12:15 support admin - Dylan

JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 3.4.1
script.js:7 HDFields init v0.1
{status: false, message: ”}
script.js:570 hdq_styler_after_validation
admin.php:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received

31 October 2023 — 12:17 thread author - asif

Thank you, that message confirms what I suspected! Your site is actively rejecting the response from my server.

In my first response to you, I stated: “For example, I see you have a security plugin installed, so check that to make sure it is not blocking the connection.”

And that video you sent actually was useful as when you activated, I noticed that in your top admin bar, a section for “security” highlighted.

This means that I am 99% sure that your security plugin is blocking the connection.

So check your security plugin (you can find it in the bottom of your admin menu) to view the logs and grant access to the addon. I don’t know what plugin you are using, so cannot provide instructions for this. An alternative is to temporarily disable that plugin to do the activation, then you can re-enable it again.

31 October 2023 — 12:22 support admin - Dylan

I’m using ithemes security, now called SolidWP

31 October 2023 — 12:25 thread author - asif

I disabled the security plugin and tried, but the same thing happens

31 October 2023 — 12:29 thread author - asif

I just sent you an email

31 October 2023 — 12:48 support admin - Dylan

Excellent. Found the problem!

The security plugin causing the issue was from your host – Site Grounds. They have a security and cache plugin that is a nightmare. What was happening is that after you deactivated that security plugin, the addon actually was activating, but the dummy SiteGround cache plugin was caching the old page instead of loading the new one. All I had to do was clear the cache for that page and you’re up and running again!

31 October 2023 — 13:05 support admin - Dylan

That’s excellent, but be aware, that tomorrow I’ll be asking many questions about CSS (lol). It’s a great plugin, and GREAT SUPPORT! we’ll be letting others know about it.

Thanks again!

31 October 2023 — 13:19 thread author - asif

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