Quiz Styler

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Incompatible plugin in WordPress

Published: February 27, 2024
Support status: closed


I hope you enjoy your vacation.

The Quiz Styler plugin won’t install after I’ve uploaded it to my WordPress-site. It instantly goes “incompatible package”

I’ve tried some troubleshooting unsuccesfully. One was to extract the ZIP-file and then recompress it. That got the installation-process a bit further, showing me the normal installation-screen, however with the message “Installation failed, as there are no valid plugins found”.

Can you help out?

thread author: Mads

There is apparently a bug in the latest WordPress version where zips created from desktop are not accepted.

Luckily there is an easy fix where I can just get the server to zip it up. I’ll send you an email with the server zipped version tonight and let you know here once sent as well

27 February 2024 — 10:50 support admin - Dylan

Hi again Mads,
I just tested the zip to confirm that it WAS already server zipped and so should’t have any problems.

Can you confirm the following?

  • You are running the latest WordPress version 6.4.3 at the time of this reply.
  • The message is incompatible package exactly. Not incompatible archive
  • Does the plugin show in your plugin list and the issue only occurs during activation? Or is it immediatly after upload. The order is upload then activate. So just confirming what step the issue originally occurred in.
  • Do you have access to your host file manager? What happens if you upload the zip to your ./wp-content/plugins/ folder, then unzip it in that folder. Does it now appear in your plugins list and can be activated?
27 February 2024 — 20:35 support admin - Dylan

Hi Dylan!

Thank you for your quick reply.

It works! Your fix with uploading the file into the host file manager, made it possible to activate the plugin.
Then the license code didn’t work. But then I checked the forum for solutions, where you proposed the idea of deactivating a cache plugin – and that worked! Thank you very much.

28 February 2024 — 02:21 thread author - Mads

Excellent! Glad you got it up and working, and please let me know if you have any further questions/requests

28 February 2024 — 12:34 support admin - Dylan

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