HD Quiz

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While this is one of the best plugins out there and I …

Published: July 13, 2018
Support status: closed

While this is one of the best plugins out there and I love the simplicity, I have some suggestions for improvements!

Randomizing order of answers when using image answers don’t seem to work (picking randomizing, blocks all images in my quizzes). Haven’t checked the code, but it seems to be a bug?

Also, how about a start, next and finish button for quizzes? Would love a start button.

I have already tweaked the code to allow audio/video in a question, but this would also be on my wish list.


This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Mark Heart

Hi Mark,The start button is something that I will likely include in a future update. I never envisioned a start button as needed, but I’ve seen a lot of people using the jPaginate feature in order to simulate this, so it’s something I should probably make available.

The randomize answer order DOES work with image answers. The demo Friends quiz even has this enabled. If it’s not working for you then I’d imagine that the issue is either caused by one of your modifications, or perhaps you are using some sort of lazy load plugin? Some lazy load plugins do not play nicly with any content that is not added via wp_content();

Do the image answers only disappear if the random answer order is enabled? Some users have also reported a WP bug (already fixed in the next version) where uploading an image that is already 400×400 causes the image naming to be wrong since WordPress cannot resize an image that is already the correct size. The solution is to upload the image at 401×401 if this is the case for you.

14 July 2018 — 13:11 support admin - Dylan

Image only disappear when random answer order is enabled. The only change needed to make them visible is to disable random answer. 401×401 makes no difference. Disabled Jetpack’s lazy loading, no difference. Could be a theme thing, so I will investigate that further.

14 July 2018 — 15:37 thread author - Mark Heart

Turns out it’s the plugin. If you don’t add text to the images, randomized answers won’t work.

Put a text there, and voila! A white space is enough.

But a text below the image isn’t always what I want (In fact, most of the time… no). But now I at least know where to look 🙂

15 July 2018 — 02:11 thread author - Mark Heart

Gotcha,You can always fake it by using the html entity for space  


This is probably the quick and dirty fix for you

15 July 2018 — 02:22 support admin - Dylan

Yep. And for everyone else with the same issue as me: white space and making .imageInner totally transparent. Quick and easy.

15 July 2018 — 02:56 thread author - Mark Heart

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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