HD Quiz

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Which plugin do you recommend to add a user plugin?

Published: March 7, 2024
Support status: comment

Hi, I’ve seen that you gave many answers about this like “HD Quiz is a quiz plugin, not a membership plugin. You will need to either have user registration and login built into your theme, or use a plugin that is dedicated to this functionality.”
Which plugin are the most compatible with your solution please? My goal is to have one free quizz and then after payment (thinking woo commerce), have a login-password to access the other ones with a tag for the ones you can have access to. Thank you in advance for your answer. I am benchmarking the quiz tools and I prefer yours because it’s the most complete (so many cool features and options) and easy to use.

thread author: carole

Unfortunately, I do not have a lot of experience with membership plugins. When I need something, I build it myself haha. This very site has user registration and restricted content β€” but I did it all myself (maybe my next plugin should be a user registration plugin?).

What I can do, is let you know what to look for.

Look for a user management / membership plugin that:

  • allows you to charge for signing up
  • allows you to only grant access to certain pages based on the current user’s membership type.

Doing some quick research, this looks like a good choice.

Paid Membership Subscriptions – Effortless Memberships, Recurring Payments & Content Restriction

I have not used it myself though, but… 10,000+ active users. 4.5 star rating. Active support forum. Worth a shot!

07 March 2024 β€” 19:59 support admin - Dylan

Ah ah. It’s good to be able to code πŸ™‚ I am not looking for a monthly subscription. I just want to sell one product and be done. So I will look for the features your recommmended:
-allows you to charge for signing up
-allows you to only grant access to certain pages based on the current user’s membership type.
And I am buying your addons right away. I will figure it out.
Thanks again!

07 March 2024 β€” 21:10 thread author - carole

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You can also upload images to imgur and paste the links here. Just make sure that your images don't include any sensitive information.
