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URGENT “HD QUIZ – WARNING” on just one elementor page with just one quiz

Published: August 23, 2023
Support status: closed

This is a website of a language school and with your plugin we prepared some levelling tests in three languages. Two of them work perfectly fine, third one (provided in site link) shows “HD QUIZ – WARNING: There is more than one quiz on this page. Due to the complexity of HD Quiz, only one quiz should on a page at a time.” while just one shortcode is included.

Page is built on Elementor (but other two languages are built with Elementor too). This shortcode works with blank page but it’s the only quiz out of three that doesn’t work with Elementor. The rest shortcodes works fine:

Please try to help us, we have school year soon and need those tests to work 🙂

thread author: Karolina

Hi Karolina,
first, if you are seeing that message, it means that the quiz is loading more than once on the page. This does not, however, necessarily mean that you added in the shortcode twice (so I doubt you did anything wrong!).

So far, I think this issue has cropped up three or four times over the years for other users. Each time, the issue was with Elementor – specifically whatever page template they were using.

Essentially, the issue was that the Elementor template was broken and that it was duplicating ALL content on the page (and keeping the duplicated content inside nested hidden divs) – not just the Quiz!

Looking at your submitted link, I can see that the issue is the same for you. For some reason, that page is printing all of its content thrice! (you can see why this is an issue by submitting the quiz. The total score is out of 90 instead of 30)

I cannot provide any guaranteed instructions on how to fix, since this issue would be specific to the combination of your theme, elementor, additional plugins, any blocks/elements you used on the page, how the page was built etc.

HOWEVER, the fact that everything works well on two of your pages and only this one page is duplicating is a good sign. You could probably fix by simply, creating a new page. Something about this page is bugged, so let’s create a new fresh page that hopefully won’t get this same bug.

Another possibility is to use a page duplication plugin such as WP Duplicate Page. With that, you can duplicate one of the good pages, then edit it with the new content and shortcode. Might be a clever way to get around this elementor bug.

Please let me know if you are able to get this resolved, and good luck with the school year!

EDIT: Glad to see creating a new page fixed this for you!

23 August 2023 — 10:19 support admin - Dylan

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