HD Quiz

Uploaded bulk questions but not able to find them

Published: October 27, 2023
Support status: closed


I uploaded 200 questions through CSV bulk upload and got the message that 20 questions are successful uploaded but not able to find questions. Please help. Please find the link of CSV file also

thread author: Rashi

Hi Rashi,
please take a look at the I have a problem with the CSV importer section of the documentation.

There is a good chance the solution lies there.

27 October 2023 — 12:06 support admin - Dylan


I have gone through documentation and found format is ok , unique file name and no space in file name also.
I uploaded 2 other files , all questions have been uploaded and reflecting also there but in this file I am not able to understand why questions are not there even after getting message” all questions have been added”.

Please check with file which has been uploaded and guide how to solve the issues. File link is given with editor rights.


27 October 2023 — 14:57 thread author - Rashi

The issue is with the character encoding of your file.

CSV files need to be UTF-8, but your question titles include a non valid character. This is a limit of the CSV format, not HD Quiz.

View post on imgur.com

You will need to figure out a different way to write these question titles without that arabic character.

Something to try is to replace it with the HTML Number or Hex value.

ط, %D8%B7, or ط

27 October 2023 — 15:53 support admin - Dylan

Thanks aa lot.
It has been done

27 October 2023 — 21:57 thread author - Rashi

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