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Some questions are cut in half

Published: May 2, 2024
Support status: closed

hi, I’ve noticed that sometimes some questions get cut in half. They appear fine after saving the question and the quiz and a few days later, they are half there. I already corrected it but I can give you an example when/if that appears again. Can I do anything to prevent this please?

thread author: carole

Can you further explain the steps as best you can? For example,

  • You create a quiz and questions. All good.
  • Some questions are only displaying some of the question title?
  • You go in to edit the question, and yes, for some reason part of the title is gone? Or does it fully show there, but resaving fixes the rendered quiz?

Right now, my best guess is that it is a page caching issue. I see you are using Siteground, which has their own (notoriously terrible) page caching solution. So my instinct is to just blame that haha. If editing a question correctly shows the full title, then this would explain why saving again fixes it – that clears the siteground cache.

Try disabling the Siteground cache plugin on pages with quizzes and see if that fixes the issue for you. If it does, I can recommend other caching solutions that work better.

02 May 2024 — 19:45 support admin - Dylan

Ah I did not know for siteground cache plugin. Thanks! I will try that and keep you posted 🙂

04 May 2024 — 20:35 thread author - Carole

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