Quiz Timer not working.
Quiz Timer not working.
This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/
Can you please provide any additional information? What version of the plugin are you using? what did you set the timer to? Can you provide a link? I’ll take a look and get back to you asap
Thanks for quick reply.version, 1.6.0 (released January 26th)Timer- 300sec = 5min link of test?
and a link to a quiz? I can’t debug something I can’t see 🙂
Hi CA. Harshita Raichandani,That’s the ‘shortcode’. What I need is a link to your website – the page that has the rendered quiz on it.
Economics Test- 01https://wp.me/paGxiM-RT
Thanks for providing a link.
I just took a look, and everything worked perfectly; quiz and timer worked.
Can you please explain the issue in detial for me? What are you expecting to happen, and what are you seeing?
Thanks. It working now. Suggestion – Timer should be on TOP middle to create pressure like exam.
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