Quiz results not scrolling correctly on iPhone? Please…
Quiz results not scrolling correctly on iPhone? Please help.
This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/
Hi Christine,can you please provide a link to a quiz?
Thank you for your help
Hi Christine,thank you for sending the link. I’m still looking into this for you, but am unable to replicate the issue myself yet. It works great on two of my androids, my GFs iPhone and a friends iPhone.
When you say “not scrolling correctly”, what do you mean? Does it not scroll at all? Does it scroll, but stop at the wrong place? If so, where does it scroll to (ball park). Can you try clearing your browser cache?
Also, what version of iOS are you using and what browser are you using? Are you sure that your browser is up to date?
Lastly, one thing that might help mitigate this issue is to move the results from the top of the quiz, to the bottom of the quiz.
I am using iOS 13.3.1. Safari is the browser.
Without showing the quiz at the top selected, the scroll goes all the way down to the footer. With selecting the show quiz at top option, it scrolls to the middle of the page.
In short, no matter which option is is selected, it is necessary to scroll a lot to see the results.
Typo above – iOS 12.3.1
Just installed the chrome browser, same issue as safari
I am using iOS 12.3.1. Safari is the browser.
Without showing the quiz at the top selected, the scroll goes all the way down to the footer. With selecting the show quiz at top option, it scrolls to the middle of the page.
In short, no matter which option is is selected, it is necessary to scroll a lot to see the results.
Just installed the chrome browser on the iphone, same issue as safari. The issue was brought to my attention by someone else, she is seeing it on her phone and i am able to recreate on mine as well.
I also disabled all plugins and tried a different theme, to rule out conflict. Same problem persists.
Hi,I use HD Quiz and I think I have the same issue on Safari for Mac and for iPhone. It also happened after the last question for the results (the scroll goes all the way down to the footer)Here is a short video of the issue (i uploaded it on WeTransfer) : https://we.tl/t-tOc4WIvN9y
It works perfectly on google chrome for mac, but same issue on Google Chrome for iPhone.
Thanks a lot 🙂
Hi Marko,a couple of people have brought this up, but I have been completely unable to replicate the issue on my end. However, the internet “webdev” circles have been blowing up over the last couple of weeks because it seems that Apple went rogue and screwed up a bunch and basic web standards that have been in place for over a decade. The timing of this seems right.
Would you be able to provide a link to a live quiz on your site? I’d like to be able to see if I can isolate where the scroll calculations are happening on your site and see if I can come up with a creative solution.
Hithanks for helping me. You can access to a live quiz on my site here : https://culturequiz.fr/quiz…
Thanks a lot
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