HD Quiz

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Quiz ist not shown in Astra Theme

Published: April 2, 2024
Support status: closed

Hello HD-Team,

first: Thank You very much for your Quiz-Plugin!

Here is my problem: The Quiz dos not appear in my Astra-Theme (free). I waited for some days und tried both Shortcode an Gutenberg-Block, but it will not do. Is it a problem with Astra?

Thank You for Your Help,

Kai Buch (Mehr als Heidi)

thread author: Kai Buch

Hi Kai,
HD Quiz is fully compatible with the Astra theme. Can you please provide a link to a page with a quiz on it? I can take a look and see if there is anything blocking the quiz or stopping it from loading.

02 April 2024 β€” 10:30 support admin - Dylan

Hello Dylan, Thank You for your reply.

I just interrupted the Maintenance-Modus to show you a page: https://mehralsheidi.ch/heimweh-zu-raten/

Or Do you need access to my WordPress?

What makes me wonder: I type in the quiz’ name, but later there again is a — instead of the name which I stored.

Thank You,


02 April 2024 β€” 10:38 thread author - Kai Buch

Thanks for the link. I see the problem πŸ™‚

Your quiz starts off as hidden because you are using the Limit Attempts addons. This addon hides the quiz by default, then checks to see if it’s OK for the current user to take the quiz or not.

The issue is that your site is showing the error Uncaught SyntaxError: Identifier 'HDQ_A_LIMIT_RESULTS_MODE' has already been declared. This error means that the variable HDQ_A_LIMIT_RESULTS_MODE (this comes from the Limit Attempts addon) has been declared twice β€” which the addon absolutely does not do.

The error message is coming from a file called wpo-minify-footer-52342282.min.js which is a file created by your page caching plugin. What your cache plugin (I think you are using WP-Optimize?) is doing is grabbing all JavaScript files on the page and combining them into one super file. The problem is that it has made a mistake and corrupted the file.

How To Fix

The first thing to do is to simple clear your page cache within WP-Optimize. This will force the cache to rebuild, hopefully without errors this time.

From your admin menu, select WP-Optimize then Cache. Now select the Purge Cache button.

If the above does not work, then it means that WP-Optimize has a bug. We can try excluding the addon files from being included in the cache.

Go to WP-Optimize > Minify > JavaScript. Scroll to the β€œExclude JavaScript from processing” section. Add hdq_a_limit_results.js to it’s own line and save (you may need to clear cache again after).

And if the above STILL doesn’t work, by best recommendation would be to replace WP-Optimize with something else such as WP Fastest Cache. I have no affiliation with that plugin, but I really like it πŸ™‚

02 April 2024 β€” 10:53 support admin - Dylan

Thank You Very much, Dylan, I will try immediatelly!


02 April 2024 β€” 10:55 thread author - Kai Buch

Hello Dylan,

I did everything what you recommended. It didn’t do with WP Optimize although I made the changes, so I switched to WP Fastes Cache.

Thanks again and if I can help you, please let me know.


02 April 2024 β€” 11:52 thread author - Kai Buch

Can you please disable WP Maintenance, so I can take a look?

I’m genuinely surprised this did not fix your issue, as I could literally see the cache issue in the files!

Without being able to see the page again, my next best guess is that you have a minor settings corruption with the Limit Attempts addon. If you go to HD Quiz β‡Ύ Limit Attempts, did you set up any of the options? If you save the settings there and clear the site cache again, does that work?

02 April 2024 β€” 12:12 support admin - Dylan

I disabled Maintenance.

I put the Limit Attempts addon to 30, but that also didn’t fix the problem. So I changed to WP Fastes Cache, which already was on my list als Alternative to WP Optimize.

02 April 2024 β€” 12:16 thread author - Kai Buch


I can see the quiz perfectly now πŸ™‚

02 April 2024 β€” 12:18 support admin - Dylan

That’s right – Thank you again very much πŸ™‚


02 April 2024 β€” 12:25 thread author - Kai Buch

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