HD Quiz

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Published: March 22, 2024
Support status: comment


I’m looking for a plugin that can help me handle quizzes of a certain type.
To be more specific, I need to create quizzes of about 100 questions, and with 4 themes.
So each themes will contain about 20 questions.

The questions can be multiple choices questions, but sometimes it will be a textbox where the user will have to type his answer.

About the results, I need to have a pdf generated after the quiz. It will be accessible in the back office, but not show to the person who completed the quiz.

This pdf will have to contain :

  • The points obtained globally
  • The points obtained for each theme
  • An appreciation by theme (which has to be setup in the back office, for example between 0 and 5, the ouput must be : “This is not sufficient, blabla..”
  • An appreciation globally, on the same principle as above.

Can you tell me if I can do all of this with your plugin ?

Thanks for your help.


PS : I must add that I’m a developer so I can override things if needed. I just need to know what can be done by the plugin as is, and what can be done by additional development that I could make, and what cannot be done at all.

thread author: Veran

Hi Veran,
I’m going to respond to this under the understanding that you are a developer, but I may need some clarifications on your specific asks.

I need to create quizzes of about 100 questions, and with 4 themes. So each themes will contain about 20 questions.

And here is where my main question is. What is a “Theme” to you? Is it a category of quizzes? Or is it a category of questions inside a quiz? I’m going to assume the latter for this response.

HD Quiz has several types of questions, including multiple choice, text-based (user types answer), and possibly relevant to you “Title”. Title questions are not actually questions, but are instead used as headings. You can use this as a “separator” to divide your questions inside a quiz by “theme”.

You can take a look at this quiz to see how the quiz is separated into “themes” by Friends characters.

About the results, I need to have a pdf generated after the quiz. It will be accessible in the back office, but not show to the person who completed the quiz.

The Save Results Pro addon does not create PDFs. However, it comes with a custom print view. Something a lot of people don’t know about (because browsers don’t advertise it for some reason!), is that you can actually print to PDF. When printing a page, instead of selecting a printer, you can select “print to file / PDF” and your browser will save the entire print page as a PDF.

If this is unacceptable to you, then the best recommendation I can make is to integrate something like jsPDF directly.

This pdf will have to contain :

  • The points obtained globally
  • The points obtained for each theme
  • An appreciation by theme (which has to be setup in the back office, for example between 0 and 5, the output must be : “This is not sufficient, blabla..”
  • An appreciation globally, on the same principle as above.

I’m going to assume that by “globally” you mean for the entire quiz, and by “each theme” you mean each of those aforementioned group of questions separated by title.

It does show the total score of the quiz, but it does not separate the score by the groups/themes. But this is something that should be able to build in without too much issue. In the function that shows the extended result info, you can check the question title to see if it starts with #. If it doesn’t, we know that it must be a Title, and can create a new grouping with it to calculate what that groups individual score is.

The addon saves the user ID for logged in users. So if you need “globally” to mean “how many points does this user have across ALL quizzes”, then you can use that to create a custom function to loop through all results and combine the result scores for users with the same userID

22 March 2024 — 13:26 support admin - Dylan

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