HD Quiz

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Not showing the score

Published: May 27, 2024
Support status: closed

Hi, is it possible to not show the score of a quiz and just the results text for succeed and fail? Thank you in advance

thread author: carole

Hi Carole,
yes! Since you are using the Quiz Styler addon, you can add the following to the custom CSS section.

.hdq_result {display: none !important}

27 May 2024 — 17:07 support admin - Dylan

Ah cool. But I just want to do it for one quiz and not the other ones. Is it possible?

27 May 2024 — 17:14 thread author - carole

Sure is, but requires a little bit more work.

Each and every quiz has a unique ID. This ID can most easily be found inside of the quiz shortcode. You can use this ID to target a specific quiz.

For example, if your quiz ID was 381, then the following would hide the result score only for that quiz.

#hdq_381 .hdq_result {display: none !important}.

27 May 2024 — 17:17 support admin - Dylan

Magnifique ! It works perfectly!

27 May 2024 — 17:30 thread author - carole

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