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KaTeX By Thomas Churchman

Published: April 18, 2024
Support status: comment

i installed KaTeX By Thomas Churchman wordpress plugin..but i can’t understand where this plugin helps me in my website or not..can you please help this issue.. to tell me the proper use of this plugin.

thread author: chhavi

First, just a reminder, that I do not offer support for other people’s plugin here. If you need support for the KaTex plugin, go to that plugin’s support forum.

I previously recommended that plugin to you since I saw that your quizzes contained several math equations. KaTex is a form of writing math equations. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KaTeX for more details.

18 April 2024 — 10:42 support admin - Dylan

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You can also upload images to imgur and paste the links here. Just make sure that your images don't include any sensitive information.
