HD Quiz

I’ve been checking out your HD-Quiz. Looks pretty intere…

Published: December 2, 2020
Support status: closed

I’ve been checking out your HD-Quiz. Looks pretty interesting. I have 2 problems that I haven’t been able to find a solution to in your comments area, though I am only half way through them and getting back into older versions of the plugin.

I am using a custom made theme by a product called TK-Creator. On top of that, i am using SiteOrigins PageMaker plugins. All this is under the latest WordPress running PHP7.3. I don’t seem to be able to place the HD-Quiz shortcode in any of the SiteOrigin products, but that isn’t a big deal (though it would be nice). when I do, I get nothing but the header image and drop down menus for the page.

The HD-Quiz short code does work when I create a normal WordPress page (not using anything SiteOrigin). However, the quiz doesn’t fill the width of the screen. I’ve went through all of the CSS and PHP files for my site and nothing has jumped out at me that should cause this (pretty much everything is set to 100% width).

The other issue is that I would like to change the sizes of buttons for like the NEXT button (and possibly the text therein). looking through the Comments section for your site I believe I know how to change the colors and such.

So I was wondering if you could look at the page that contains the HD-Quiz and see if you have any ideas. And I was also wondering if you have a list somewhere in a file that identifies all of the components for things like buttons and and texts so that we could make changes to the CSS without having to bother you all the time.

Here is the link; http://www.thewaldrips.net/kwyz-test/?preview_id=15753&preview_nonce=94a65d041d&preview=true

Also, I am testing your product pretty much for my own pleasure, though it appears like something that I could recommend to site I administer and for my church. As such, I am low priority. BTW, the product looks pretty cool and I like it better for entering Quiz questions than the other couple I have looked at.

Thanks in advance and God Bless.

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Roger L Waldrip

Hi Roger,
first – a quick tip. In most browsers (chrome, edge, firefox etc) you can right-click any element on the page and select “inspect”. This will open up your browser’s inspector tool where you will be able to see the ID, classes, and rendered styles of the element. Super useful for debugging or creating your own CSS.

Quizzes are capped at a max width of 600px simply because I think it starts to look worse at larger sizes. Your results may differ depending on your theme though. The following CSS will make it fill the full width of whatever its parent is.

.hdq_quiz {max-width: 100% !important}

Also, just a bonus; I am getting ready to release the first “pro” addon for HD Quiz – A Quiz Styler. You can do a lot of really cool stuff with it, so keep an eye out for it once released 🙂

03 December 2020 — 12:02 support admin - Dylan

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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