HD Quiz

Its a wonderful plugin, Its the way wanted. I liked all …

Published: May 22, 2020
Support status: closed

Its a wonderful plugin, Its the way wanted.
I liked all features you have incorporated to build a superb quiz
I am developing 1000 questions MCQ quiz in microsoft access.
Exported the access database table in various for use in HD Quiz
I tried importing my set of question data but not understanding whats happening to it after the import is over
the questions are hot added to any of the existing quiz nor a new quiz is generated out of imported data
I have about 1000 odd MCQ on Acupuncture,
Please guide me.

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Vinayak Paranjape

Hi Vinayak,
this means that your CSV file was probably not formatted correctly. Please do the following.

  1. Upload the CSV file to a file share service such as https://gofile.io so I can take a look and make sure you are formatting the tight way.
  2. From the main HD Quiz page, select the red Bulk Modify Questions. You might see a bunch of your broken questions here. If you do, you will want to delete them all so that they are no longer stored in your database.
22 May 2020 — 13:56 support admin - Dylan

Thank you for quick response
Further to your response,
I have uploaded CSV file to gofime for your investigation of formatting of mys data file
Download link
Admin code
please look into and guide me
Thanks and regards

23 May 2020 — 04:19 thread author - Vinayak Paranjape

Interesting! I learned something new today 🙂

It looks like the way that I am validating the file (to make sure you don’t upload a bad file) also requires that the filename has no spaces! Simply renaming the file to something without spaces allows it to upload with no issues.

I suggest renaming the file to questions.csv or something and you’ll be good to go!

23 May 2020 — 09:04 support admin - Dylan

Thanks for your quick support
I will change the file name and try uploading
I am sure it will work.

23 May 2020 — 21:28 thread author - Vinayak Paranjape

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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