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Is there any way to deactivate scrolling?

Published: March 7, 2024
Support status: closed

Another question has been raised.
When performing quiz with pagination (next question comes only when you click Next button) is there any way to DEACTIVATE scrolling to the top of question?

thread author: Oleksii

Hi Oleksii,
unfortunately, there is no way to disable the scrolling without modifying the plugin directly. If you choose to do this, the file to edit is ./hd-quiz/includes/js/hdq_script.js. The function is called jPaginate and begins on line 840. You’ll want to remove/comment out the scrollIntoView call that happens ~lines 884-888.

07 March 2024 — 17:52 support admin - Dylan

Thank you.
We will review the file.

08 March 2024 — 09:10 thread author - Oleksii

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