Is it possible to strip any leading or trailing spaces fr…
Is it possible to strip any leading or trailing spaces from text-based answers? I am using HD Quiz will a map-based “treasure hunt” where codes found on postboxes have to be typed in. This can take several hours to complete so I would like to maximise participant success and stop simple typing errors producing a wrong answer response! For the same reason, I would ideally like the user to have multiple goes at getting the answer right, but I don’t think this is possible in “Immediately mark answer as correct or incorrect” mode.
Thanks for a great plugin
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Hi Charles,
you are right about the immediately mark feature. Kind of hard to immediately mark if the user is allowed to change their answer 🙂
However, trimming the text based answers for trailing spaces… well that just makes good sense, so thanks for the idea! I just pushed a super minor update to HD Quiz that will do this. Since it’s such a small change I did not increase the version number. This means two things.
First, you will not be prompted to update HD Quiz – so please deactivate and delete HD Quiz (you will not lose any data) and then reinstall from the repository as normal. Second, please make sure to clear your cache (both browser cache and server cache if using a caching plugin) to ensure your browser is loading the updated files.
Other than that, you should be good to go!
New version strips space – great. Many Thanks
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