HD Quiz

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Is it possible to have bulk upload quiz in the plugin …

Published: November 12, 2018
Support status: closed

Is it possible to have bulk upload quiz in the plugin via csv. I am using other quiz plugin(WatuPro) as of now and would like to try this plugin going forward. How can i easily move to HD Quiz plgin from my existing plugin.

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Vivek Goel

Hello Vivek,HD Quiz uses native WordPress taxonomies for quizzes, and custom post types for questions. This means that you can easily import and export HD Quiz data using WordPress’ own built-in import and export tools.

The problem, however, is that the data you have (CSV) would need to be properly formatted to be compatible, which the amount of work required to do so on your end would almost certainly not be worth it.

If you can send me an example of one of your Quiz CSVs, I can take a look at how you have your data formatted, and maybe (seriously, no promises) take a crack at coding an import tool that would automate as much as possible for you.

13 November 2018 — 16:10 support admin - Dylan

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