HD Quiz

I want to create a quiz that has 50 questions that can be…

Published: December 19, 2021
Support status: closed

I want to create a quiz that has 50 questions that can be classified into 5 categories. Each questions have choices that has a score. So at the end you will have category 1 weight 20, category 2 with weight 15 etc. Then depending on the score, a text for the different score in each category will be sent or display to the user. Can this be done with this plugin?

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: John

Hi John, it is possible to extend HD Quiz to do this with code, but HD Quiz cannot do this out of the box. You need to either code a solution yourself or hire a developer to do this for you.

The general idea of what you’d need to do is to create separate quizzes for each category, then link them together. So once you complete quiz A the pass/fail text will include a link to quiz B, and so on. You’d then need a way to track the scores between users and quizzes. For this, I recommend making this logged in only so that you can save the scores to the user’s profile. Then once the final quiz has been completed you can grab the user’s previous scores from previous quizzes and display them as weighted categories.

22 December 2021 — 11:11 support admin - Dylan

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