HD Quiz

I am building a medical quiz that reads as follows:<br…

Published: December 11, 2016
Support status: closed

I am building a medical quiz that reads as follows:Within the last month how severe has your symptom been:(The test taker is given a choice 1,2,3,4,or 5.)At the end of the quiz I would like a numeric tabulation.(Over a certain number reflexes one diagnosis under, another.)Can you please assist.Thank You

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Frank Marchant

Hi Frank,HD Quiz is not built or meant for that kind of tabulation, it is meant for multiple choice quizzes. I think you are looking for one of those “personality type” quizzes. I have never used it before, but I would recommend checking out WordPress Viral Quiz or codecanyon.net. I believe it does what you are looking for

11 December 2016 — 15:24 support admin - Dylan

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