HD Quiz

How do I change the background color of the quiz passe…

Published: April 22, 2016
Support status: closed

How do I change the background color of the quiz passed text and the quiz failed test? It’s randomly two different colors within the same box.

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Teena Barnett

Hello Teena,I am not sure what you mean by “randomly two different colors within the same box” unless you are referring to the two tone color for the results section itself and the share section within it. Please see the attached image for reference.

If yours looks different, it is because your theme is overriding it.

You can always add CSS to your theme to set the colors to anthing you want.

To change the ‘color one’ of my reference image, add the following:

#hdQuestionnaireContent #results {background:#FFFFFF !important}

That would change the background to white. Replace #FFFFFF with whatever color you want. The ‘color two’ of my reference image can be modified with the follow:

#hdQuestionnaireContent #hdQuShare  {background:#FFFFFF !important}

Once again, the above line would force the background to be white.

I hope this helps!

22 April 2016 — 17:19 support admin - Dylan

Thank you!

22 April 2016 — 17:32 thread author - Teena Barnett

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