Hi, We added HD Quiz + the HD Quiz – Save Results Light…
Hi, We added HD Quiz + the HD Quiz – Save Results Light add on.
I read this on the Results Light listing: “This is a free and “light” version. A more featured Pro version is currently in devlopment and will be found in the HD Quiz addons page when available.”
I’m wondering if you have a time line on the Pro version? If it is live a link? Also if the pro version will even meet our need. What we need is an admin view breakdown of the quiz so we know what question each quiz taker answered wrong or correct.
This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/
Hi Liz,
the pro version is still 2 – 3 weeks away from release.
Also, as long as you are not using the WP Pagination feature, the pro version will also save the individual answers as well so that you’ll be able to break down completed quizzes to see which individual question was right and wrong (as well as what the selected answer was)
If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.
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