HD Quiz

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Hi The best Quiz plugin in the market. But I am eagerl…

Published: February 28, 2019
Support status: closed

Hi The best Quiz plugin in the market. But I am eagerly waiting for updates like – login required feature, csv file import to add bulk questions in a quiz than adding individually, Social media share button, result leaderboard. When can I expect these?

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Afroz ghori

Hello Afroz, and thank you for your support!

HD Quiz is a free plugin that I develop in my spare time, so unless I already have a feature being worked on, there is never a timeline for any features.

Here is my best to answer your questions

login required featureThis is not a feature that I am actively working on mainly because there are other plugins that can extend HD Quiz to do this for you such as the free Hide This plugin.

Using that plugin, you can control what content is visible to logged in users only by wrapping the content in a [hide for="!logged"] shortcode. I may include this functionality directly into HD Quiz in the future, but there is just not enough people that need this to warrant its integration at this time.

csv file import to add bulk questions

Because of the complexity of a quiz, your CSV file would need to be formatted in a very specific way, and any deviation could cause glitches. Maybe in the future, I can code in a very simple version of an importer that will only allow the import of {question title, answer value 1… answer value 10, correct answer, quiz id}, but I have no immediate plans to do so. How much of a priority would this feature be for you? Would you need to import more question data that I stated above?

Social media share buttonHD Quiz already has social sharing built right in. You can share via Twitter or Facebook. HD Quiz is also compatible with Facebook APP ID so that you can share quiz results across facebook as well.

result leaderboardThis feature is definitely out of the realm for a free plugin, but the next release of HD Quiz will come with actions and hooks on quiz completion. This means that either your, or another developer can extend HD Quiz however you like, including building your own leader board that could work however you want. I’m super excited to release this update and see what cool things people will come up with 🙂

28 February 2019 — 16:25 support admin - Dylan

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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