Hi! Thank you for your work and a great plugin. Easy to…
Hi! Thank you for your work and a great plugin.
Easy to use, but still I’ve got one question. Can I modify the text in social media sharing? It shares “5/10 on the ….quiz. Can you beat me” But I need this sharing text in another language. Is it possible to change it?
This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/
Hi Danila,
unfortunately, there is no translation option for social sharing… yet.
For now, you will have to edit the plugin directly. This can be done by going to plugins – plugin-editor, then selecting HD Quiz from the dropdown on the top right.
Navigate to /includes/js/hdq_script.js
and you will see the function starting on line 361 to update the twitter share text. The Facebook share (if you are using the APP ID) is line 522.
Just note that you will need to make this edit everytime you update HD Quiz until a dedicated tranlation feature is added
Thanks! I’ve managed to change it.
And one more question: is it possible to add one more social network for sharing (VKontakte – it’s the biggest social network in Russia)? Is it very complicated?
Hello, I’m also having troubles editing the social sharing message from showing “I got 10/10. I tried following your advice of going to the plugin editor however I can’t actually find this function.
Hi Victoria,
are you able to edit hdq_script.js
? If so, you will see the code right at the very bottom. You’ll want to look at line 522
and edit the text there
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