HD Quiz

Hi Ricky Seems to two blank empty <code) tags above th…

Published: June 14, 2020
Support status: closed

Hi Ricky
Seems to two blank empty <code) tags above the questions and one below the questions. Tried to remove them with css but not working. Are these place holders for something else.

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Kevin

Hi Kevin,
the issue is probably that your shortcode itself is wrapped in a <code> element. Remember that by default, WordPress will paste content “with formatting” which is why it is always recommended to paste shortcodes without formatting (can be done with a right-click, or with CRTL + SHIFT + V) or to use whatever editor’s build-in shortcode block to add.

14 June 2020 — 20:22 support admin - Dylan

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