HD Quiz

Hi, I’m using WP Rocket. I have an issue on my website, …

Published: June 5, 2023
Support status: closed


I’m using WP Rocket. I have an issue on my website, as page speed insights is telling me that I should turn on “remove unused CSS” on my website, even if it’s already turned on with WP Rocket.

I have asked the WP Rocket customer why I have this issue, and here’s the answer I got :

XXXXXXXX Beginning of WP Rocket quote XXXXXXXX
“I’m not 100% positive about this, but I think that all these backed up CRON events could be preventing our RUCSS events from running:

I can’t join screenshots here, but the cron jobs have the for each columns:
Hook: “hdq_addon_styler_check_for_updates”
Argument: “none”
Next run: “2022-10-24 11:26:14 – 7 months 2 weeks ago”
Action: “hdq_a_styler_check_for_updates()”
Recurrence: “Once Monthly”

There’s a staggering number of these [They are all the same, with few minutes differents]

So it really seems to me like they need to be removed — even if they’re not directly preventing the RUCSS from running, having them still around just doesn’t seem like a good idea.

I was finally able to get the used CSS generated for your home page by manually running our own rocket_rucss_pending_jobs event, but it would be great if you could figure out where all those other CRON events are coming from, and get them removed, so that we can eliminate them as being the reason for all the other events to not be able to run.”

XXXXXXXX End of WP Rocket quote XXXXXXXX

So my question is, do you know if these CRON events are related to your plugin ?
How to delete them ? / Can I delete them ?

If yes, could you please tell me how as I don’t know anything about CRON events

Kind regards,

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: ReneChateau

Hi ReneChateau,
yes those are from an older version of HD Quiz – but even if you are using an older version of HD Quiz, there should only be ONE of these events – so something has definitely gone wrong somewhere on your site.

Luckily, these should be fairly easy to clear out.

I can recommend installing the free WP Crontrol plugin. This plugin will allow you to see and delete any events.

Feel free to delete any that are called hdq_check_for_updates or hdq_addon_styler_check_for_updates. If you hover over one of them, you will see an option to “Delete all events with this hook” so that you can remove them all at once.

As a side note, if you have not already, I recommend updating to the most recent version of HD Quiz

05 June 2023 — 15:57 support admin - Dylan

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