HD Quiz

Hi, I want the questions to appear one at a time. Let one…

Published: September 29, 2021
Support status: closed

Hi, I want the questions to appear one at a time. Let one appear, complete it and take you to the next. Is that possible?

Also i have another question. In text based answers, if i want to let the users write wathever they want, how can i make it? Like an opinion or a conclusion they have earned during the study time. There are not wrong or correct opinions.

Thank you.

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Karim

Hi Karim,
sorry for the late reply here.

I recommend using a combination of a timer / per question (you can set the limit super high if you want. Something like 999 seconds pet question) and also enabling the Paginate option for each question. This will give you the effect you are looking for.

For the other – this cannot be done nativly. For that you’d need the Save Results Pro addon. This addon will allow you to add custom form fields (such as asking for their name, or adding a textbox where they can leave their thoughts) and save it to a nice Results table so you can view. It can also send the results via email.

12 October 2021 — 10:12 support admin - Dylan

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