HD Quiz

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Hi! I am wondering if there is a way to redirect the res…

Published: February 4, 2021
Support status: closed


I am wondering if there is a way to redirect the results page to a new page on my site. I would like to have a “pass” result go to a page rather than display the results on the same screen.


This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Cassy

Hi Cassy,
here is where I answered this question for another user:


The above code, when added to your theme’s functions.php file will A) add a new textbox to the quiz settings results page where you can add in a redirect link, B) On quiz load, detects if a redirection link exists, if it does exist, then we set up a custom function to run once the quiz has been completed, C) we run our custom function, which in this case, is to redirect to a new page after 3 seconds.

Please make sure to Make a backup of your theme’s functions.php file in case you mess up adding this custom code. It is always recommended to backup this file before making any modifications because it is such an important file.

If you are not comfortable making any modifications to your site, then I’m afraid your best option would be to add a link to the quiz pass results section that a user can click on to redirect to whatever page you want. This way only the users who pass the quiz will be able to see the link to the new page

04 February 2021 — 17:25 support admin - Dylan

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