HD Quiz

Hi Harmonic,Is there any way to use other image…

Published: September 27, 2018
Support status: closed

Hi Harmonic,

Is there any way to use other image sizes in answers?I mean, not square ones?

EDIT: I have different scales as images in the quiz. I.E; q1 has 350px by 550px, 12 has 300px by 350px.

Beside that, it still works great 🙂 Keep up the great work!

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Ferry Slot

HI Ferry,Unfortunately, there is not an option for that at this time, although I’m looking into solutions moving forward.

For now, your best chance is to edit the images to create white-space/padding so that they still fit in the 410 x 410 square.

29 September 2018 — 11:23 support admin - Dylan

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