Hi Dylan – Thank you for your amazingly swift reply! J…
Hi Dylan – Thank you for your amazingly swift reply! Just to put you in the know, I am actually Georgia, a friend of Martin’s who’s been tasked with building his membership site and all the wonderfulness that comes with it ;-s I’m not particularly tech-savvy and the site’s not brilliant, but it’s functional for what we’re aiming for: https://mrhonline.co.uk – get in touch via the site if you’re interested in seeing behind the membership wall.
What we want to do is have simple quizzes in each section that show the correct answer and why it’s correct. But because we’ve chosen Thrive Themes, there’s not much coding involved, just block placing and there’s a block that allows you to place code but it’s not suited to shortcodes by the look of it. I can get right into the code of each page but wouldn’t know what string I was looking for. I will drop Thrive a line and see if they can help.
We don’t have other quiz plugins active right now but I am tempted to try Thrive’s own quiz builder although I don’t think it will give me the option to explain why an answer is right / wrong. Like I said: I’m keen to use HD Quiz as I think it’s much more ‘us’. Cheers – Georgia
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Hi Georgia,Since you are posting as a guest, your comments needed to be approved by me before appearing.
I just looked up the way Thrive handles building pages, and it looks like that have a “block” called “WordPress Content”. Adding this block will create an instance of TinyMCE (which is WordPress’ classic editor). This will allow you to paste in shortcodes.
Here is a link to their documentation: https://thrivethemes.com/tkb_item/using-shortcodes-architect/
If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.
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