Hi Dylan, I have an issue with HD Quiz Results – Light. …
Hi Dylan,
I have an issue with HD Quiz Results – Light. I’ve seen that I have only the latest 2 days results displayed. There is any method how to read/search in the database the previous results? I have some backups from previous days so I could try to find that results even if the previous results are deleted from the current database.
Thank you,
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Hi Florin,
I recommend downloading the database backup, then using your favourite text editor (Sublime Text is super light weight and fast), do a search for hdq_quiz_results_l
. You should then see the results as a JSON formatted string. Something like this:
[ { "quizID": 1, "score": [8,10], "PassPercentage": "70", ... } ]
Hi and thank you Dylan, I’ve found everything!
Strange, all results are still there in the current database, but only the last 2 days are displayed in the dashboard.
Hmmm… perhaps there is a “special” character in your data that is breaking the JSON string. Also, the page will only show the most recent 500 results to stop the page from being stupidly long. Do you by chance have over 500 entries in the last two days?
If it’s OK with you, could you please post the JSON string to https://pastebin.com/
I can take a look and see if there is an errant character breaking the string. If there is, I can clean it for you and update the plugin to stop it from breaking again in the future
Aha! That’s the answer, I do have way more than 500 entries 🙂 (there are some school tests for pupils in pandemic time).
Thank you very much Dylan, I am able to manage this now, knowing where to get the results.
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