HD Quiz

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Hi, and thanks for this tremendous plugin. Given that it…

Published: August 22, 2022
Support status: closed


and thanks for this tremendous plugin. Given that it’s free, I really hesitate to post some feature requests, but since you asked for it…

  1. New Question Type: Fill in the blank. Variations: With possible answers given / free choice
  2. New Question Type: Pairing. You have two columns with an equal number of terms and you need to connect the ones, that belong to each other, for example by drawing lines or by re-arranging the terms.
  3. New Scoring: Make “points” an optional attribute for each question. The passing score can remain a percentage (of sum(points))

    This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Dierk

Hi Dierk,
please always feel free to request new features! No promises on if I will do them, but it’s ALWAYS ok to ask 🙂

Fill in the blank is already a question type “Text based answers”. It’s not the exact same as a true fill in the blank, but you can still use it the same way. You can also add up to 10 answer variations (including stemming!).

Pairing is an interesting idea. I’ll have to think about the best way to add something like this in, but it could be a fun question type.

Scoring. By points I assume you mean the x/y fraction for how many questions you got right? If sop, this can be hidden with css. .hdq_result_fraction {display: none !important}

22 August 2022 — 11:54 support admin - Dylan
  1. Thought so. I’m just too lazy to add all the “__” manually 🙂
  2. Glad, I could spike your imagination.
  3. I mean that for every question you can, as the author, define how many points this question is worth, reflecting the difficulty of the question. You can leave the passing score (Quiz Pass Percentage) as a percentage. Just not the percentage of correctly answered questions in relation to the the number of questions in the quiz, but the percentage of the sum of points of all correctly answered questions in relation to the sum of all points in the quiz.
22 August 2022 — 12:09 thread author - Dierk

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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