HD Quiz

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Hey Harmonic – good work, your plug in offers just wha…

Published: July 22, 2016
Support status: closed

Hey Harmonic – good work, your plug in offers just what we need. Question about customizing results page – any options on the correct answer indicator – some were confused with just a green line below the answer because the incorrect answer still shows the radio button selected and in green. Can this be augmented, enlarged or maybe add an X or check-mark next to correct answer? Is this something you can customize for us? Thanks.

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Peter Feldman

Hi Peter,I’m glad you are liking HD Quiz so much!

If you can send me the link to one of your quizzes, I can write some custom CSS for you to enter into your theme that will make the ‘correctly answered question’ more apparent. I’m personally a fan of subtle indicators but understand that it isn’t for everyone!

22 July 2016 — 15:50 support admin - Dylan

Hi Dylan, we’re just in testing right now and won’t be rolling out the quizzes for a few weeks – also updating theme, so css will change.Now that I know it is possible I’ll get approval to use your plug-in from my client and also ask them to make a contribution for the custom work. Thanks!

22 July 2016 — 15:59 thread author - Peter Feldman

Hi Dylan, we are now working on building our new site and would like your help with some custom CSS – are you available this week? Is this the best place to provide direction on what we want do change or do you have an email I should send to? Please contact me at [email protected] – I hope to have instructions ready tomorrow and styling on the new site ready by Wednesday.

10 October 2016 — 13:34 thread author - Peter Feldman

Hi Dylan,I like your Quiz plugin HD Quiz. But like Peter was telling, I want to have some better indicators for correct and wrong answers. Something like, Text changing colour and tick or Cross mark coming depending on the option selected. Could you please help me

Sivaprasad K.S.

04 December 2016 — 00:37 thread author - eTutorialWorld

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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