HD Quiz

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Hello! Thanks for this awesome plugin! I was able to use…

Published: January 2, 2021
Support status: closed

Hello! Thanks for this awesome plugin! I was able to use the import tool before, but now I am running into these warnings and I can’t seem to get it to work. Any suggestions to fix this?

Warning: file(…/wp-content/uploads/hd-quiz/questions-bass-notes.csv): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in …/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/tools/csv_import.php on line 182

Warning: array_map(): Expected parameter 2 to be an array, bool given in …/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/tools/csv_import.php on line 182

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in …/wp-content/plugins/hd-quiz/includes/tools/csv_import.php on line 185

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Eric

Hi Eric,
that first error basically means that we were unable to retrieve the file you uploaded, and the messages after are because there is no file.

Errors like these are usually due to weird server configs. Here is a list of things to try in order of most likely to work.

  • Make sure that your filename does not contain any spaces. As you can see, the server is trying to find questions-bass-notes.csv, so if your file is named questions bass notes.csv then this would account for the error.
  • Try renaming the file to questions-bass-notes-2.csv or something. The issue could be that your server is not overwriting an old file causing a missmatch.
  • The issue could be that you are on a shared server (so other websites and accounts are all sharing the same resources). It’s possible that your server tmp folder is full. This is the “secure” folder that ALL files (even when uploaded through the default WordPress media library) go to be sanitized before being brought over to your actual web server. If this folder is full, then you will be unable to move the folder to a place where HD Quiz can work with it. If this is the case you’ll need to contact your host to get them to clear this tmp folder.
02 January 2021 — 18:26 support admin - Dylan

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