Hello ! I would like to hide the score (example: 4/10) on…
Hello ! I would like to hide the score (example: 4/10) on some quizzes. To display only the reply text. Is it possible ? With a CSS or a setting in the plugin? Thank you in advance !
This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/
Hi Thibault,
this can be hidden with CSS. The class name is hdq_result
, so .hdq_result {display: none !important}
will hide this across all quizzes. Each quiz also has a unique ID, so you can use this to hide the result for only the quizzes you want.
So for example, if you wanted to target a quiz with the id of 42
, then you would do #hdq_42 .hdq_result {display: none !important}
. The quiz ID is the number that appears in the shortcode.
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