HD Quiz

Hello, I have some issues with the update. You can see wh…

Published: December 14, 2020
Support status: closed

Hello, I have some issues with the update. You can see what happens here, after you submit the answers. https://lowrider.gr/more/

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: lowrider

Hi Lowrider,
the issue is that elementor is setting all links to the colour white which is overriding HD Quiz. This is not something that HD Quiz is doing. Luckily, there is a very easy way to fix this.

Option 1: Edit the results pass / fail text and manually set/change the colours there.

Option 2: Add the following CSS to your site .hdq_results_inner a {color:#2d2d2d !important}. This will make the links a dark grey. #8224E3 is the purple colour on your site if you’d prefer that instead. You can add the CSS by either editing your theme’s style.css file, or by using WordPress’ appearance -> customize -> additional CSS feature

14 December 2020 — 14:52 support admin - Dylan

Whoops. Just replying again to fix a typo with the CSS I sent.

.hdq_results_inner a {color:#2d2d2d !important} is the correct CSS to use

14 December 2020 — 14:54 support admin - Dylan

Uhg. And sorry for the triple reply, but I see that they are not links, but are accordions. The content of your accordions is set to white by elementor as well, so you’ll also want to set the content of the results as well so that the text inside the accordions is visible too.

.hdq_results_inner, .hdq_results_inner p {color:#2d2d2d;}

14 December 2020 — 14:57 support admin - Dylan

Thanks for the fast replay, I did all those things but not much changed, you can check again if you’d like

14 December 2020 — 15:09 thread author - lowrider

It looks like you did it right and I’m seeing your changes live and looking great!

You probably just need to clear your browser cache 🙂 (can be done on most browsers by going to the page and pressing CRTL + f5)

14 December 2020 — 15:25 support admin - Dylan

I purged it, and I tried different browsers too but I keep seeing the accordions in the sidebar when the results appear

14 December 2020 — 15:46 thread author - lowrider

Oh, THAT’S your problem? I thought the issue was that the text was white… in the future please try and be more detailed and specific about what your issue is – there was no way for me to have guessed that.

All I can tell you is that the content in there is coming directly from elementor. Edit the quiz and check the quiz pass/fail text. Also check your elementor settings as the issue could be that elementor is overriding the content you put in there, which is unfortunately not something that HD Quiz can do anything about.

HD Quiz asks “hey, what content did the user want to display here?” and then displays it – but if elementor overrides that and replaces it with its own content, then that is what will be shown. Since the content seems to be the same as the content of the main area, I have a feeling that this is what is happening. Elementor is replacing a native and core WordPress function forcing any call to it to return the elementor content.

If you can confirm that the content you want is in the quiz pass and fail text, then I’m afraid you only have three options.

  1. Do the basic WordPress debug steps. Temporarily switch themes to see if the issue is caused by the theme. Then disable all plugins except HD Quiz then re-enable one by one until you activate a plugin that causes the issue (many many HD Quiz users use Elementor, so I think the issue is likely caused by some other plugin you are using – possibly an elementor addon plugin)

  2. The issue could somehow be related to the way your sidebar is set up. What happens if you move the quiz to just a main page content instead of a sidebar?

  3. Contact the Elementor team as if the issue is with the main Elementor plugin, then overriding a default and core WordPress function like this is definitely a big issue. With a bit of luck, they are already aware of the issue and are working on an update.

NOTE: I just installed a fresh version of Elementor to test this myself, and everything works as intended – so I don’t think the issue is caused by the main Elementor plugin. It’s almost certainly either your theme or more likely, some other elementor addon plugin you have installed.

14 December 2020 — 16:05 support admin - Dylan

Yeah, my bad I should habve been more specific, thought it was obvious. Alright thanks again for the answer I will try fixing it. And definitely will put 5 stars on the plugin just for the support 🙂

14 December 2020 — 16:09 thread author - lowrider

Haha no worries. And please feel free to continue this thread if you discover anything – such as if the issue is caused by theme or another plugin. I can help debug/advise from there on the best way to fix or move forward.

14 December 2020 — 16:11 support admin - Dylan

It seems that it’s a problem of the Elementor itself. I changed themes, deactivated all the plugins (including elementor essential addons, etc) but nothing changed. Also when I used the shortcode in the main field and not in the sidebar it worked fine. And when I edited the page without the Elementor it worked fine as well.

14 December 2020 — 16:50 thread author - lowrider

Thanks for the update (and your review!). So it seems that elementor has an issue with the call when it’s in a sidebar. I’ll do some research on my end, but I think that this is ultimately something that elementor will have to fix on their end. The best-case scenario is that I’ll be able to “detect” when this will be a problem and warn the site owner of the issue.

Also, if this is your only quiz, there may be a roundabout way to get this “working” for you.

HD Quiz 1.8.2 has a new hook called “init” that allows us to run a custom javascript function once the quiz loads. Using this, we can remplace the results text with whatever we want – no matter what elementor does! Just note that if you want to go this rout, you WILL need to add some custom code to your theme. Let me know if you want to give this a try.

14 December 2020 — 16:54 support admin - Dylan

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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