Hello! I have a problem. I have this image quizz for k…
Hello! I have a problem. I have this image quizz for kids, but my image options won’t show on the page and the words don’t show completely. Can you please help me? Why is this happening? Is this because of my theme? https://uploads.disquscdn.c…
This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/
Hello Teodora,This is almost definitely a CSS issue with your theme. If you can please provide me with a link to a quiz, I can write up some special CSS that will fix this right up for you.
http://languages.onlinebusi…This is the link with my first question. My theme is Sydney. Thanks a lot!
Hello Teodora,It looks like the problem is that the images do not exist. Did you resize the images before uploading to 400 x 400? If so, I think that you’ve uncovered a rare glitch where WordPress will not resize/rename an image that is already to scale. Try uploading the images as 401px x 401px. This will force your installation to properly affix the correct naming conventions.
I did not resize them. I will do that. Thanks a lot!
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