HD Quiz

Hello, I am using your plugin which is great. The only pr…

Published: November 18, 2019
Support status: closed

I am using your plugin which is great.
The only problem is that when I click on “finish”, it scrolls down to the bottom of the page…
Here is the URL : http://sophieguldnerdev.ovh/testez-votre-niveau/
Is there a way to change this ? Or is this a conflict with Avada ?
Can I translate the plugin as well ?

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Sophie

Hi Sophie,
for the translation, you can “translate” certain terms/words that appear on the quiz by going to the HD Quiz – > About / options page. From there you can rename things such as the finish button and results into your native language.

For the quiz scrolling to the wrong position, I took a look, and the issue is that your theme header element is causing a conflict. It should be fairly easy to fix, but you’ll need to edit a file in HD Quiz directly to do this. Please let me know if you are comfortable doing this and I’ll send instructions.

18 November 2019 — 16:54 support admin - Dylan

Hi Dylan, I think I’m having the exact same problem as Sophie, with the theme header causing a conflict, preventing the quiz from scrolling up to the results. Could you send me instructions as well please?

26 November 2019 — 09:17 William

Please send me a link

26 November 2019 — 10:36 support admin - Dylan
26 November 2019 — 11:33 William

You can try and do the following.

edit ./include/js/hdq_script.js and and line 256, you will see a function called hdq_scroll_to_results

Lines 266 – 271 will show this:
scrollTop: hdq_top
}, 550);
scrollTop: hdq_top
}, 550);

Replace all of that with the following:
scrollTop: jQuery(".hdq_results_wrapper").offset().top + 80
}, 550);

I cannot guarantee that this will fix it for you, but I’m pretty sure this will. Remember to clear your browser cache before testing!

26 November 2019 — 14:18 support admin - Dylan

Perfecto! Thanks for your help

27 November 2019 — 06:06 William

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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