HD Quiz

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Hello Dylan,First of all, thanks for great support…

Published: March 11, 2019
Support status: closed

Hello Dylan,First of all, thanks for great support as always. I just realized that random question doesnt work in mobile phone, it works perfectly in desktop. May I know the waybto fix it, please? Thanks in advance.link: https://www.kafekepo.com/ag…

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Mohammad Yusuf

Hi myusuf,you cannot have anything on a page random if you are also caching that page.

Here is what is happening.

1) WordPress loads the page with a random question order.2) WPFC then caches the page as static3) Uh oh, now that the page is cached, the question orders will not change again until the cache is cleared!

So what can you do? For now, the only real thing you can do is disable WPFC on pages with quizzes. This is not a limitation of HD Quiz in any way, but this is “collateral damage” of using a caching system.

However, the next version of HD Quiz will come with things called “hooks” that will allow any developer to extend the “quiz complete” function of HD Quiz. This will allow for some really cool things such as allow for stats and results to be saved on quiz completion, sending emails, whatever – the sky is the limit! This hook also has another bonus.

WPFC has a function called deleteCache(). Once the next version is released, you could call this function each time somone completes a quiz.

11 March 2019 — 12:19 support admin - Dylan

Hello Dylan,

Thanks a lot for the explanation, hopefully new version will soon released :-). I wish I could help you. I disabled WPFC, and the random questions works perfectly in both of desktop and smartphone. However, the results scroll up now doesn’t work on smartphone, while it works perfectly on desktop. No sure what is the cause.

12 March 2019 — 09:05 thread author - Mohammad Yusuf

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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