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Headings are Headings

Published: March 27, 2024
Support status: closed

if you look at my website, you’ll see i’ve inserted a quiz, but it’s messed up my table of contents.

Is there a way to edit the quiz so the titles are not headings, or should i edit the table of contents so it doesn’t include the quiz

Also i have a was this helpful plugin, but it seems to appear at the end of the quiz as well! (which i would rather not have)


thread author: John

Hi John,
yes – headings are headings 🙂

I see you are using Easy Table of Contents. Looking them up, they have a filter to exclude headings that contain a certain selector ez_toc_exclude_by_selector.


I do not use that plugin so cannot test myself, but that should be able to get you exactly what you are looking for. All question titles contain the classname of hdq_question_heading.

As for your other question, it’s probably easiest to just hide that content with css. I have a beta version of HD Quiz that utalizes the remove_all_filters filter but it has some drawbacks so it’s not ready for production yet.

.hdq_result .daexthefu-container {display: none !important}

27 March 2024 — 21:10 support admin - Dylan

I added that CSS but the was this helpful still appears on the results page?

27 March 2024 — 21:24 thread author - John

Sorry about that. It should be .hdq_results_wrapper .daexthefu-container {display: none !important} not .hdq_result.

Also make sure to clear your site cache after since you are using a caching plugin W3 Total Cache

27 March 2024 — 21:30 support admin - Dylan

I tried adding

function( $selectors ) {
$selectors[‘hdq_question_heading’] = ‘.hdq_question_heading’;
return $selectors;

but the questions are still appearing in TOC, also the toc has 3 was this helpful thingys

27 March 2024 — 21:45 thread author - John

Sorry, but I cannot offer further support for someone else’s plugin.

Please contact their support here:


. I’m sure someone there can direct you how to use their filter.

You can also link them this thread to make it easier for them.

27 March 2024 — 21:49 support admin - Dylan

yeah ok fair enough.

thank you for your help so far!

27 March 2024 — 21:49 thread author - John

What’s the thing for results, because that’s showing in the TOC also? is that hdq_results_wrapper?

27 March 2024 — 23:31 thread author - John

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