Hai how to change Hd Quiz button color also i need to cha…
Hai how to change Hd Quiz button color also i need to change the button text
This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/
Hi Nikhil,
you can purchase the Quiz Styler addon to customize the design of HD Quiz, including button colours. If not, the buttons can be easily styled with CSS. The class for buttons is hdq_button
You can change the button text (as well as most other things!) by going to HD QUiz -> About / Options. On this page you can select the “translation” tab to rename all buttons and front-facing text.
can you pls explain how how Parchace
All addons can be found under HD Quiz -> Addons page – including the free Limit Attempts addon and the free Save Results Light addon. The direct link to the paid Quiz Styler addon is: https://harmonicdesign.ca/product/hd-quiz-quiz-styler-addon/
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