HD Quiz

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Great job! I love the plugin – easier to author with t…

Published: April 27, 2019
Support status: closed

Great job! I love the plugin – easier to author with than others!

One suggestion – can you please include a quiz duplicate function – instead of re-creating quiz questions by going back to other questions individually – to include them in a new one. That is tedious.

With even more options – I would certainly purchase it.

Thanks again.

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: baramark

Hi baramark,you can already do that!

When editing a question, select the “Quizzes” tab. From here you can also add the question to any other quiz you have. It works just like posts and categories.

27 April 2019 — 09:57 support admin - Dylan

I understand you can do it – one by one.

But, maybe include an entire quiz duplicate function – to add all the questions at once into a new quiz.Then, delete the ones you may not use again.Instead of doing it one by one.When you have quizzes with like 20 questions or more – going through each question to add to a new quiz – is very time consuming.

Thank you sir.

27 April 2019 — 10:20 thread author - baramark

I’ve got that covered as well 🙂

If you select the “Delete Questions” button from the HD Quiz dashboard, it will take you to the WordPress custom post type page where you can select questions in bulk and do a quick edit to add them to a quiz of your choosing.

27 April 2019 — 10:26 support admin - Dylan

OK – let me try that! Thanks again.

27 April 2019 — 10:35 thread author - baramark

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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