HD Quiz

First off I have to say you got a great plugin! However w…

Published: April 28, 2021
Support status: closed

First off I have to say you got a great plugin!
However when using pagination on all questions there is a “Next”-button to start the quiz and if I add a timer there is a “Start”-button instead. For now I’m using the timer metod with ridiculous amount of seconds. But is it possible to make it so the quiz start when loading the page where the shortcode has been added? Even when using the pagination option on all questions.

I found that you could skip to use pagination on one question and it will start right away but I don’t want the same question to be at the beginning every time.

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Alex

Hi Alex,
there is no built-in way to auto-start the quiz when a timer is being used. The reason there is a “start” button is so that the page has time to fully load before the “count down” begins and to also give the user time to read any intro copy/instructions a quiz author might want to add in.

Normally, I just tell you to not enable Paginate on your first question, but this is not an option for you since you also want the question order to be random (so there is no way for us to know what the first question).

Luckily there is a solution for you. We can use the hdq_init action to run a custom function that will detect if the first question is paginated and unwrap it so that it shows as normal.

You can see the code here:

If you add that code to your theme’s functions.php file you should be good to go. But NOTE: Make a backup of your functions file in case you make a mistake adding the code in! If you break that file, your site will go down, so make sure you have a backup so you can easily fix it if you make a mistake.

29 April 2021 — 14:08 support admin - Dylan

Worked like a charm, thanks alot!
I once again have to say that this is a great plugin, great support and easy to use. Looked into a few quiz plugins to find the best for easy use, no clutter in the settings and good design (other quiz plugins just looks wrong..).
Cheers and will definitely donate later on, believe that this plugin is worth paying for.

29 April 2021 — 14:36 thread author - Alex

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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